Meditation Retreats

Despite progress in technology and medicine, people in today’s world continue to suffer greatly from anxiety and depression. The practice of meditation enables one to discover peace within oneself, allowing one to overcome inner turmoil and unlock enormous hidden potential.

During the 1970s-early 80s, the renowned sage Baba Muktananda was one of the first and foremost teachers to bring the ancient teaching of meditation to the West, creating a “Meditation Revolution.” In continuation of that tradition, Meditation Retreats at Shanti Mandir, Walden, provide a powerful atmosphere in which to deepen one’s understanding and experience of meditation.

All are welcome, and no experience with meditation is necessary.

Upcoming Meditation Retreats:


Meditation Retreats in 2017:

December 2017

Meditation Retreats in 2016:

May 2016

April 2016

January 2016

Meditation Retreats in 2015:

December 2015  (with Devayani & Vivek)

November 2015 (with Vivek)

October 2015 (with Devayani & Vivek)

July 2015 (with Dana & Keval)

May 2015 (with Dana & Devayani)

March 2015 (with Devayani & Vivek)

February 2015 (with Devayani & Vivek)

January 2015 (with Devayani & Vivek)

Meditation Retreats in 2014:

December 2014 (with Devayani & Vivek)

September 2014 (with Swami Dayananda)

June 2014 (with Swami Dayananda)

April 2014 (with Dana & Vivek)

March 2014 (with Dana & Vivek)

February 2014 (with Dana, Devayani & Vivek) 

January 2014 (with Devayani & Vivek)

Meditation Retreats in 2013:

December 2013 (with Devayani & Vivek)


With great respect and love, a heartfelt welcome to everyone.

— Baba Muktananda