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SKU: 341-19 Category:

Product Description


Paperback: 54 pages
Language: English
Product dimensions: 8.5 x 0.116 x 5.5 inches
Shipping weight: 2.572 ounces

For many years, Jnaneshwar’s Haripath (“Sing Hari, study Hari [God]”) has been sung in Shanti Mandir ashrams. A joyful series of twenty-eight abhangs, or unbreakable devotional poems, written in the 13th century, it offers us the subtle, lofty teachings of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Bhakti Sutras—as Jnanadev says—“like fruit in the palm of our hand.” Its daily recitation is considered a complete spiritual practice.

Now for the first time, the Haripath, which is written in Marathi, is being made available with transliteration, as well as translations in both English and Hindi.

The English translation was composed by Umesh and Chitra Nagarkatte, with editing by Dana Wilkinson. The Hindi translation was composed by Umesh Nagarkatte and Ashok Vyas.

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With great respect and love, a heartfelt welcome to everyone.

— Baba Muktananda